
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Friday Apr 21, 2023
Ah, KPIs - the nerd glasses of the business world. They may not be the coolest or most exciting thing around, but boy, do they help you see clearly! With KPIs, you can measure your progress towards your goals, identify what's working and what's not, and make data-driven decisions that will make your businesses performance soar.
On this weeks episode Scott talks with Carla Policastro of Cycle CPA about how KPIs can help your landscaping business.
QUESTION —What KPIs do you use? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-EZBZ: The easiest way to make and edit work orders anytime, anywhere. https://ezbz.app/mdl/
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting. https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapingbusiness2023 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscapepodcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Apr 14, 2023
Friday Apr 14, 2023
When I was in high school I got a phone call from a girl. She said that she belonged to a "shy-ness club," and that her assignment for the week was to call a stranger and talk with them for twenty minutes. So we talked for twenty minutes. I still have no idea who that caller was, or if they ever overcame their shyness, but I like to imagine that they did. Perhaps, with help from me, they went on to become a confident and productive networker!
Scott's guest on this weeks show is Laura Reale, of Landscape Marketing Secrets. She is a confident and productive networker, who, to the best of my knowledge, has never been part of a shyness club.
QUESTION —Are you comfortable networking? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Laura's website is:
And here podcast is:
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-EZBZ: The easiest way to make and edit work orders anytime, anywhere. https://ezbz.app/mdl/
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting. https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapingbusiness2023 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscapepodcast #laurareale #landscapemarketingsecrets
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Apr 07, 2023
Friday Apr 07, 2023
With so many different companies making landscaping equipment, how do you know which one to buy? Does it even matter? Or are they all more or less the same? Is it better to buy new? Or used?
Lucky for you, Scott and his guest, Brian Fullerton, have asked themselves these same questions. And they break it down for you on this weeks episode.
QUESTION —What brand of landscaping equipment do you have a preference for? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Brian Fullertons website is:
And his podcast is:
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-EZBZ: The easiest way to make and edit work orders anytime, anywhere. https://ezbz.app/mdl/
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting. https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapingbusiness2023 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscapepodcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Mar 31, 2023
Friday Mar 31, 2023
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, or so they say. And so with busy season approaching, if you already have a pretty good idea what your biggest stresses are going to be, doesn't it make sense to decide beforehand what our best response to them would be?
On this weeks episode, Scott and Kati discuss the fine art of anticipating obstacles.
QUESTION —What business obstacle causes you the most stress? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-EZBZ: The easiest way to make and edit work orders anytime, anywhere. https://ezbz.app/mdl/
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapin business2022 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscape podcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Mar 24, 2023
Your Business Is Your ATM- MDL episode 244
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Friday Mar 24, 2023
Are you tired of feeling like you're constantly leaving money on the table? If you aren't charging enough, because of faulty estimating, you might be shooting yourself in the foot before the job even begins!
Luckily, this weekend is Profits Up Estimating Live, a two day event that will go over everything you need to know to become an estimating superstar.
On this weeks show, Scott and Kati give you the info you need to sign up and be a part of it.
QUESTION —What's your estimating strategy? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-EZBZ: The easiest way to make and edit work orders anytime, anywhere. https://ezbz.app/mdl/
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapingbusiness2023 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscaperpodcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Mar 17, 2023
Friday Mar 17, 2023
Are you still relying on pen and paper for your work orders, like an animal? Is your desk an ominous swamp of random papers? And if you do use modern technology to organize your business, is your process efficient, or are you juggling multiple programs and apps, with documents scattered between random drives and devices?
What if there was one app to rule them all?
Todays show is a conversation between Scott and Shannon Walsh, president of EZBZ, a work order app that is so much more than just a work order app. Learn how EZBZ can help you get more organized at https://easybeezy.app/mdl/
QUESTION —What technology are you using for your work orders? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapingbusiness2022 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscaperpodcast #EZBZ #shannonwalsh #organization
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Mar 10, 2023
Friday Mar 10, 2023
Join us for an exciting episode of the Million Dollar Landscaper podcast as we speak with Andy Mulder of Mulder Outdoor Services. Andy has built a successful landscaping business through his expertise in landscaping and his savvy use of social media. In this episode, Andy shares his secrets for using social media to reach new customers, build trust with clients, and grow his business. Whether you're starting a landscaping business or looking to take your existing business to the next level, this episode is packed with valuable insights and practical tips for using social media to succeed.
Don't forget to check out Andy's website at https://mulderoutdoors.com/ for more great resources and to contact him. Tune in now!
QUESTION — Do you post on social media as part of your business? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-busybusy: It’s the most reliable GPS time tracking app on the market. And the best part is, it was built for landscapers! Payroll is your highest variable cost on a project, so you better be tracking it. busybusy does that better than anyone else. So download busybusy today, and don’t forget to mention The Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast to get 3 free months." https://t2m.io/y4VZizo
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapin business2022 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscape podcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Outsourcing your landscape design can be like having a wizard on your team. It can conjure up unexpected and exciting ideas and bring a breath of fresh air to your business.
When you outsource your design, you're not just getting access to specialized expertise, but also a team of creatives who live and breathe design. They know what's hot and what's not, and they can take your brand to new heights with their knowledge and skill, all while freeing you up to concentrate on the parts of your business that you enjoy and are good at!
On todays show, Scott talks to Kevin Boylan of Scapes, a delightfully personal, and surprisingly affordable, online-based landscape design service.
QUESTION —Have you ever considered outsourcing your design? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-busybusy: It’s the most reliable GPS time tracking app on the market. And the best part is, it was built for landscapers! Payroll is your highest variable cost on a project, so you better be tracking it. busybusy does that better than anyone else. So download busybusy today, and don’t forget to mention The Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast to get 3 free months." https://t2m.io/y4VZizo
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapin business2022 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscape podcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
You can't control wether or not there is a recession, but you can control how you prepare for, and respond to, a recession.
On todays show Scott and Kati talk about using exemplary customer service to grow your business, even through a recession. Digressions include pop-up emitters, and bagworms. And then Scott has a snack and takes a nap.
QUESTION —Are you worried about a recession? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-busybusy: It’s the most reliable GPS time tracking app on the market. And the best part is, it was built for landscapers! Payroll is your highest variable cost on a project, so you better be tracking it. busybusy does that better than anyone else. So download busybusy today, and don’t forget to mention The Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast to get 3 free months." https://t2m.io/y4VZizo
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapin business2022 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscape podcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer

Friday Feb 17, 2023
Landscaping Lean: An Interview with Tom Hughes- MDL episode 239
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
SOPs are like the dance steps of a well-coordinated team. They ensure that everyone is moving in sync and that performances are consistent and repeatable. With the right SOPs in place, an organization can be like a well-oiled machine, humming along like a happy little bee. And who doesn't love a happy bee?
And just when Scott thought life couldn't get any better, along comes this weeks guest, Tom Hughes, with an app (Gembadocs) that makes it a breeze to document your companies SOPs.
Tom was so nice that he is giving listeners a discount for the first year if they use the coupon code LM10.
Go to https://gembadocs.com/ to find out how easy SOPs can be.
QUESTION —Do you use SOPs in your business? Let us know on our Facebook Page.
📒 Show Notes 📒
Our mission here at Million Dollar Landscaper is to help you grow a profitable landscaping business.
Here are the ways to work with us here at Million Dollar Landscaper:
⚡️PODCAST: Listen to the podcast https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast
⚡️COURSES: Learn about our online courses at https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/academy
⚡️YOUTUBE: Check out our videos at https://www.youtube.com/c/MillionDollarLandscaper
Connect with Scott Molchan on Social Media:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/milliondollarlandscaper
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/milliondollarlandscaper/
We would really appreciate it if you would leave us a review at: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/million-dollar-landscaper-podcast/id1367445237
-busybusy: It’s the most reliable GPS time tracking app on the market. And the best part is, it was built for landscapers! Payroll is your highest variable cost on a project, so you better be tracking it. busybusy does that better than anyone else. So download busybusy today, and don’t forget to mention The Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast to get 3 free months." https://t2m.io/y4VZizo
-Cycle CPA: Accounting Services For The Green Industry & Service-Based Businesses, Bringing a business mind to accounting https://t2m.io/H4hkcEg
This video is sponsored. Some links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.
#milliondollarlandscaper #scottmolchan #landscaping #landscapingbusiness #growyourbusiness #doitdirty #milliondollaracademy #startinglandscapin business2022 #landscapingsystems #growyourlandscapingbusiness #moreprofit #lessstress #milliondollarlandscape podcast
Disclaimer: Please see the link for our disclaimer policy for our videos and podcasts on the Million Dollar Landscaper Podcast and YouTube channels. https://www.milliondollarlandscaper.com/disclaimer