
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Member Showcase with Nathan Dahl - MDL Episode 78
Friday Jan 17, 2020
Friday Jan 17, 2020
In this week's episode, we have a great conversation with one of the members of our Million Dollar Academy, Nathan Dahl. Nathan is the owner of DahlCo Construction & Landscaping located in Ogden, Utah.Like all of us, Nathan has had his ups and downs along the way, but he's got a good head on his shoulders and 2020 is going to be a great year for DahlCo!
P.S. Enrollment into the Million Dollar Academy is OPEN for a limited time! If you're ready to take action towards getting your business from where it is now to where you want it to be >> ENROLL NOW!

Friday Jan 10, 2020
Member Showcase with Alec Naylor - MDL Episode 77
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Friday Jan 10, 2020
Member Showcase: Alec Naylor
In this week's episode, we have our very first member showcase featuring Alec Naylor owner of Naylorscapes who proudly serves Ogden, Utah and the surrounding areas.Like most of us, Alec has faced some ups and downs over the years, but he's back and ready to do what it takes to get his business on track.Alec has great energy and a story that I think a lot of us can relate to so you're not going to want to miss this episode!
****If you're the type of landscaper that wants to opt-out of the chaos and get your business where you want it to be, then click this link and join us on our LIVE webinar where we'll go over the 5 steps we used to build and grow a seven-figure landscaping business.****

Friday Jan 03, 2020
Goal Setting For 2020 - MDL Episode 76
Friday Jan 03, 2020
Friday Jan 03, 2020
🎉 Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020 🎉
Whether you set hardcore Year's resolutions or not, its' a great time to look over 2019 to see what did and didn't work and use that information to start making plans for the 2020 growing season.In this week's episode, we give a quick run-through of a goal-setting workbook that will help you get your thoughts and ideas sorted out so you can set some SMART goals for 2020. 🎯
If you haven't downloaded the workbook yet, you can snag a copy by heading here and signing up.

Friday Dec 27, 2019
Green Growth Method Step #5 - MDL Episode 75
Friday Dec 27, 2019
Friday Dec 27, 2019
In today's episode, we are wrapping up our 6 episode series about our Green Growth Method.
We started back with Episode 70 where we briefly went over all five steps of the Green Growth Methods. Each episode since then has been a deeper dive into each individual Step of the Green Growth Method.
If you missed any of those you can listen to them here.
So that brings us to the fifth and final step today which is Grow Your Business.
Biggest Mistake I see landscapers make is thinking that strictly making more sales is enough to grow their business.
This can get you in trouble because if you don't have your business set up to handle an influx of work, you'll end up in chaos.
Also, if you are putting more sales on top of an estimating system that isn't profitable, then it doesn’t matter how much you’re working if you aren’t getting to keep any of the profits. As far as teaching the Green Growth Method goes, I’d definitely say this is the most eclectic step. It is kinda a mix of a lot of things.
It’s marketing, it’s social media, its sales, it’s self-improvement….The other steps were easy to pigeon hole into one topic. This is the catch-all for all the things you need to do to successfully grow your business.
And if you haven’t downloaded the Green Growth Method pdf you need to head to our website and check it out.Click here for the Green Growth Method
You’ll see that even though this is a 5 step method, we don’t have it laid out in a start here at step one and work your way to step 5 and your done linear path. We have it laid out in a circle...kinda looks like a recycling sign.
And it is a circle because: 1) all of these steps are tied together and build off of each other 2) you’re never really done working on your business
The last thing we cover in today's episode is how important it is to have an accountability partner to lean on when you're going through the process of working on your business.Be it a spouse, a key employee in your business, or paying to be in an accountability group...Whatever you choose, we are all better together so make you have someone to help get you through working on your business.

Friday Dec 20, 2019
Green Growth Method Step #4 - MDL Episode 74
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
We’ve spent the past few weeks introducing our 5 step Green Growth Method.
If you haven’t listened to episode #70 where we do a quick rundown of all the steps you can listen to it here.
Today’s topic is Step 4 - Estimating with Confidence!
We’ve talked about estimating in a couple of other episodes
All the way back in episode #8, we talked about the 5 estimating systems that are most often used in the landscaping industry. These are systems that we have available in our Academy. We didn’t invent them, but we did very conveniently put them into ready to use spreadsheets so you don’t have to figure them out yourself. They are plug and chug, no calculator required lol
The five estimating systems that we are referring to are:
Single Overhead Recovery System (SORS)
Duel overhead Recovery System (DORS)
Multiple Overhead Recovery System (MORS)
Overhead Profit Per Hour System (OPPH)
What we cover today's episode is how closely Step 4, Estimating With Confidence, in the Green Growth Method is tied to Step 3, Know Your Numbers.
You can’t put the cart before the horse. If you want to learn how to estimate based on the actual numbers for your business, then you have to complete Step 3 before Step 4. These two are completely tied together.
Wouldn't it be great to have your estimating all figured out before the 2020 growing season?!?
If you haven't taken our Green Growth Method quiz signup at https://milliondollarlandscaper.com/ggm-quiz-signup/

Friday Dec 13, 2019
Green Growth Method Step#3 - MDL episode 73
Friday Dec 13, 2019
Friday Dec 13, 2019
In today's episode, we gove over Step #3 of the Green Growth Method which is Know Your numbers.
To me, not knowing your number is kinda like the hustle and grind.
Both of these will only get you so far. And they both work...
Until they don't.
Our family business was perhaps a bit farther along than we care to admit before we REALLY dig into our numbers. 😳
So, the number that we’ll talk about in today's episode is the often glossed over Labor Burden.
A real quick explanation of Labor burden is that it is employee costs that are above and beyond their hourly pay rate.
Examples of this would be payroll taxes, vacation time, holiday time, personal days.
For more great info on Labor Burden check out our latest podcast episode! 🎧
Links mentioned in this episode:
Podcast Episode 70 Introducing the Green Growth MethodPodcast Episode 71 Step #1 Add Structure To Your BusinessPodcast Episode72 Step #2 Build Your Team

Friday Dec 06, 2019
Green Growth Method Step#2 - MDL Episode 72
Friday Dec 06, 2019
Friday Dec 06, 2019
A couple of weeks ago we introduced our Green Growth Method which is our 5 step process for taking your business from where it is now to where you want it to be.
If you missed that episode, we did a quick run-through of all 5 steps and if you missed it you can listen to episode #70 here.
Last week we took a deep dive into Step 1, Add Structure to Your Business, of the Green Growth Method. If you missed that one, give it a listen because we get pretty detailed about how to set up a basic system in your business.You can listen to episode #71 here.In today's episode, we will take a look at Step 2 of the method which is Build Your Team.We made this Step 2 in the Green Growth Method because employees have been a HUGE topic lately. We were really lucky or doing something right because we were always able to hold onto employees for a lot of years. In this episode, we go over a quick 4 step hiring process that you can use to build your team.

Friday Nov 29, 2019
Green Growth Method Step#1 - MDL Episode 71
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
Deep Dive into Systems & Procedures
Gear up! In today's episode, we take a deep dive into how exactly to set up a basic procedure in your business!
In last week’s episode, we ran through our entire Green Growth System pretty quick (Missed it? You can listen to it here)So today we take more time to dive a little deeper into the very first step in the system and that first step is Adding Structure to Your Business.And the tools you need to use to add this structure to your business are systems and procedures.Systems and procedures are a topic that I feel like we cover A LOT, but they are just THAT important.So important that we made them step one in the system and why we are going to talk about them again today!

Friday Nov 22, 2019
Green Growth Method - MDL Episode 70
Friday Nov 22, 2019
Friday Nov 22, 2019
If you've listened to our podcast for any amount of time you probably know that we have closed enrollment to our Million Dollar Academy until January so we can focus on our members and we are also overhauling our entire site!Part of that overhaul has involved breaking up all of the courses that we offer into doable size chunks because we don't want to overwhelm anyone with too much information all at once. What has come out of this overhaul is that we have broken our membership information into two different sections.We have a "Quick Wins" section that contains all kinds of great stuff that is quick and easy for a member to use and implement. Things like blog posts, Q&A sessions, ready-made forms, etc.The real "meat and potatoes' part of our Academy consists of a 5 step process that we developed out of years of working in and on our family landscaping business. We've named this the Green Growth Method and in today's podcast, we outline what this method is all about in hopes that you all can get a clear idea of what all goes into running and growing a profitable landscaping business.
Signup for the Green Growth Method at https://milliondollarlandscaper.com/ggm-quiz-signup/
If you are interested in the Green Growth Method or the Million Dollar Academy get on our waitlist. Join Here!

Friday Nov 15, 2019
Setting Your Team Up To Win - MDL Episode 69
Friday Nov 15, 2019
Friday Nov 15, 2019
In order for your company to achieve the goals that you want, you need everyone on your team to be working towards the same goals and vision.
It is unreasonable to expect that your employees are going to act and treat your business the way you do. Being an employee isn’t anywhere near the same thing as being an owner.
They aren’t going to think the same way that you do.
But what you can do is make sure everyone is on the same page about what is expected of them and what a “win” looks like for your business.
In today's episode, we go over 4 ways to set your team and your business to win!