
Friday Aug 30, 2019
How to Deal With Burnout - MDL Episode 58
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Friday Aug 30, 2019
Landscapers are some of the hardest-working people that I know. Landscape business owners have a lot on their minds, sometimes it starts to wear us down. I know it caused me to get migraines and a funny upside-down Christmas tree rash on my back. Really I did! In today's episode, we discuss how to deal with it and we also have a downloadable worksheet to help you handle all of your tasks.
Get the download at https://d1aettbyeyfilo.cloudfront.net/mdland/19979342_1622472842621Task_Re-Evaluation_Worksheet.pdf

Friday Aug 23, 2019
What Got You Here, Won't Get You There - MDL Episode 57
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
In the past, we were 100% guilty of working solely "IN" and not "ON" our landscaping business. If this is you don’t feel bad, I think it is all of us at one point or another.
We spent way too many years just working and working and working and hoping and hoping and hoping that things would turn around.We were busting butt, booked solid, and we weren’t broke.But the money wasn’t exactly flowing in either.
We just kept hustling...Kept working and working….Because that was what got us to where we were.
But guess what...
That wasn’t getting us to where we wanted to be.
Because what got us there (straight up hustling) wasn’t working anymore and therefore it wasn’t going to get us where we wanted to be.
I know this is a bit of a mind twister…
But think about it…
When you first started out you could get away with being out on every job and being able to answer any of your crew members questions.
You could get by with not looking at your numbers and not watching your budget because you were small and didn't have much overhead.
But if you're feeling frazzled, overworked, and broke...Chances are that whatever you've been doing to get you to this point...Isn't going to the next point of where you want your business to be.
So, what can you do to get you where you want to be?

Friday Aug 16, 2019
Are You A Boss Or A Leader - MDL Episode 56
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
A vast majority of landscaping business owners worked in somebody else's landscaping business before taking the leap and starting their own business.
And more often than not one of the main reasons for leaving is because they thought they could do a better job running their own business.
It doesn't take too long to figure out that there is more to owning a landscaping business than knowing how to install landscaping.At some point, you will have to hire employees...And the minute you hire your first employee you become a leader.The leader of your business.In today’s podcast, we discuss a few differences between being a boss and a leader...And how knowing the difference can help you become a better landscaping business owner.

Friday Aug 09, 2019
Quick fixes to help you get through the season - MDL Episode 55
Friday Aug 09, 2019
Friday Aug 09, 2019
If your profits are down and you don't have tome to completely overhaul your entire business right at this moment, then try these quick fixes.
Links mentioned in the show:https://milliondollarlandscaper.com/podcast-episode-30/

Friday Aug 02, 2019
Are You Thanking Your Employees? - MDL Episode 54
Friday Aug 02, 2019
Friday Aug 02, 2019
When was the last time that you thanked your employees? We hope it was recently, we need our employees as much as we need customers. In today's episode, we give you a few reasons why you need to thank them and a few ideas on how to thank them. It doesn't always have to be in the form of a raise either.

Friday Jul 26, 2019
The Top 4 Estimating Mistakes Landscapers Make - MDL Episode 53
Friday Jul 26, 2019
Friday Jul 26, 2019
In today's podcast, we discuss the top 4 mistakes that are commonly forgotten while creating landscaping estimates.

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Are you confident in yourself and or your products and services? If not you need to listen to today's episode. We give you a few pointers on how to become more confident in your selling abilities.

Friday Jul 12, 2019
3 Tips For Better Testimonials - MDL Episode 51
Friday Jul 12, 2019
Friday Jul 12, 2019
We all know how important it is to get testimonials to help sell our services and products. In today's podcast, we give you a few tips to help you get better testimonials.
Landscaping is the easy part. Running the business is the hard part. We've been there and done it! So we have created the Million Dollar Academy.
We save you the headaches, stress, and low bank account notices that we went through.
Running a landscaping business can be tough, but you don't have to figure it out on your own.
The courses and forms included in the academy are everything we wish we would of had when we joined our family landscaping business.
Time and money are the two things we all want more of.
The Million Dollar Academy has everything you need to get your business on track for less than it costs to take your family out to the movies.

Friday Jul 05, 2019
Why Your Landscape Business Should Focus on Being Proactive - MDL Episode 50
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
WOOHOO, we are super excited to say we are on episode 50!!! We want to thank all of our listeners for being here.
In today's podcast, we discuss how being proactive in your landscape business can help you. We give you a few real-life examples of how we did this in our landscape business.
If you love the show please head over to iTunes and leave us a review. It will help us continue to help other fellow landscapers.

Friday Jun 28, 2019
4 Steps To Hiring Your First Office Employee - MDL Episode 49
Friday Jun 28, 2019
Friday Jun 28, 2019
At some point as your landscape business grows you will need to consider hiring your first office employee. In today's podcast, we discuss the 4 steps you should take to find the best office employee you can.