
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Changes That Might Impact Your Landscape Business - MDL Episode 88
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Full disclosure, we had a hard time coming up with an idea of what to talk about in today's podcast...Because even though we've weathered a few storms in our lifetime, this is the first time that change has come at us this quickly.With this whirlwind of change comes a lot of uncertainty.What we were able to come up with was a list of changes that you might have to make and deal with inside your business that probably wasn't even on your radar a month ago.
Those that work on their business during these hard times will be the companies that are ahead later on. If you are ready to work on your landscaping business sign up for the Million Dollar Academy waitlist.

Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
This is something that is completely unprecedented and like nothing, we have ever seen before. We want to do everything we can for you all to succeed in this crazy environment that we are all currently living in.I feel like the last few weeks can be summed up pretty well by, of all people, Mike Tyson. “Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” And I don’t know about you all, but the rapidly changing events around COVID-19 kinda feel like a punch in the face.Today's podcast episode is a replay of a Facebook Like we did yesterday covering tips we have for taking care of your employees, customers, and your business during these uncertain times.

Friday Mar 13, 2020
Master This One Thing to Sell Confidently - MDL Episode 86
Friday Mar 13, 2020
Friday Mar 13, 2020
If you’re like most of us, there was probably at least one time in your career that you gave a customer an estimate and they give you back that wide-eyed, what the heck, this is WAY more than the other estimates I’ve gotten face.Well, if you just slapped the estimate together and don’t really have any basis for the numbers you gave them, it’s hard to sell your estimate.What we want you to think about today is how if you truly know your number and how to put together a complete estimate you KNOW covers all your costs and gets you in the profit range that you want, then that will give you more confidence in you selling.
Also, have you gotten on our waiting list for the next enrollment into the Million Dollar Academy? IF not click the link to signup now. We open back up in April. https://milliondollarlandscaper.com/waitlist/

Friday Mar 06, 2020
How To Pre-Qualify Your Leads - MDL Episode 85
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Springtime is right around the corner and if your phone hasn't started ringing off the hook yet, it will be soon! We've seen a lot of landscapers have great success with pre-qualifying leads before they get too deep into the estimating process.Think of all of the estimates that you have gone out on and found out that they wanted $20,000 worth of work on a $5,000 budget.This has totally happened to us.Customers would call in...Scott would run out and spend an hour or so talking to them. He'd come back to the shop and spend a couple of hours putting together a drawing and an estimate...Then he'd set up another time to meet with them and spend another hour going over everything that they talked about...And when they finally got down to looking at the price they'd say it was way more then they wanted to spend. 🤦Your time is too valuable for this!

Friday Feb 28, 2020
Are You Getting Back To Your Customers - MDL Episode 84
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Friday Feb 28, 2020
Most time-strapped, overworked landscaping business owners make the costly mistake of not getting back to potential customers in a timely manner.
By not returning phone calls you’re not just making your company look unprofessional, you could be missing out one some good projects.
Not getting back to people is like setting up a Tinder profile and then only swiping left.
Have you taken the Green Growth Method Quiz? Head over to milliondollarlandscaper.com to see where you should concentrate your efforts to grow your landscaping business.

Friday Feb 21, 2020
An Alternative To The H2B Program - MDL Episode 83
Friday Feb 21, 2020
Friday Feb 21, 2020
With all the issues of hiring today including the uncertainty with the H2B program, we figured we should talk about what many see as a viable alternative and that is hiring laborers from Puerto Rico.
Our family’s landscaping business did this two years ago and we wanted to give you a quick rundown of what is involved and what we saw as some of the pros and cons of using this method.
Have you taken our Growth Method Quiz? If not head over to the Million Dollar Landscaper website and see what you should be focusing on to improve your landscaping business.

Friday Feb 14, 2020
Tips For Improving Job Site Efficiency - MDL Episode 82
Friday Feb 14, 2020
Friday Feb 14, 2020
In today's we are answering a question from one of our Million Dollar Academy members. We thought this was a great question so we figured we'd share it with you all.Here is what they wrote in:
"We are having issues with Job Site Efficiency. Our bidding is on point with the other landscaping companies in the area if not more, we are usually the highest bidder for the jobs we get. The problem is it takes us longer to finish the job than expected, we have dialed this down to efficiency."
He goes on to list some of the things they are doing to improve things. But we wanted to share with you some ideas we had.

Friday Feb 07, 2020
8 Tips For Having Uncomfortable Conversations - MDL Episode 81
Friday Feb 07, 2020
Friday Feb 07, 2020
We’ve all been on one end or the other of an uncomfortable conversation at work….
And when you’re the boss, initiating these conversations is 1) Completely your responsibility or 2) You have to train someone on your team to do it
More people than you’d think just don’t like to say anything to their employees.
And these conversations can range from super uncomfortable, like having to fire someone….
To less uncomfortable, but STILL often avoided things like employee handbook violations.
In this week's episode, we have 8 tips for you on how to approach and handle any conversations that you might have been avoiding because even the thought of doing it is making you uncomfortable.

Friday Jan 31, 2020
What Sets You Apart From Your Competition? - MDL Episode 80
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
One question we like to ask landscapers is why should a customer buy from you, or how are you different from your competitor?
And we commonly hear things like it’s our quality work, our customer service, or it’s our people....
Yes, these are all good things, but it’s not like your competitor is going around saying their quality of work is terrible, or that they have awful customer service and their people are mean.
Doesn’t the customer expect all of these when they hire a company?
What can you do to set your company apart from the crowd?

Friday Jan 24, 2020
Interview with Jeremy Martin with Dust Killer Tools - MDL Episode 79
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Today's episode is an interview with the creator of Dust Killer Tools, Jeremy Martin.Find out what Dust Killer Tools are, why you need them, how they can protect your employees, and help you comply with silica dust control laws.
For more information about Jeremy and his Dust Killer Tools click here! Jeremy even offers a FREE Training on Silica Control and a FREE Control Plan Template.